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Spectrum Description

Spectrums is the fourth child-element of GeneralDefinitions - the part in the XML where global and reusable elements are defined (imagine them as the building blocks of each luminaire). The definition of spectrums is optional.

A spectrum in the GLDF can be defined in two ways

  1. Through a table with an assignment of intensities to wavelengths, inside the GLDF XML iteself
  2. Through a File reference containing a well-formed spectrum definition, outside the GLDF XML

Location in XSD

Spectrum location in XSD

XSD description

Spectrums in XSD

1. Spectrum within GLDF XML

The first option to define a spectrum is within the GLDF XML as follows

Spectrum inside XSD XML

Simply add a collection of Intensity elements, in which the wavelenth attribute determines the wavelength in nanometer. And the content of the element the intensity of the wavelength.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi=""
<Spectrum id="spectrum1">
<Intensity wavelength="380">0.03</Intensity>
<Intensity wavelength="385">0.08</Intensity>
<Intensity wavelength="390">0.12</Intensity>
<!-- snip wavelength 395-775 -->
<Intensity wavelength="780">0.02</Intensity>

2. Spectrum through File reference

A Spectrum can also reference a File element which describes the location of the spectrum content file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi=""
<File id="spectrumFile" contentType="spectrum/text"
<Spectrum id="spectrum1">
<SpectrumFileReference fileId="spectrumFile" />

The Spectrum Element above references a spectrum File stored online, in this fictitious example at Spectrum files must conform to a specific formatting in order to be processed.

The spectrum file...

  • must be a text file
  • contain the assignment of wavelengths to intensities
  • each assignment must be written in a new line
  • wavelengths and intensities must be separated by a specific character

The character between wavelength and intensity must be a single whitespace or a single tabulator!

  • is usually within the range of 380-780(nm), which corresponds to a textfile with 81 lines

An abbreviated example:

380  0.003720622
385 0.003494165
390 0.002572627
780 0.0001542017

A complete spectrum example file can be downloaded here: Mercury-Vapor-Lamp.txt

Referencing a spectrum

Once declared, all spectrums can be referenced in subsequent XML elements via their id attribute one or several times.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi=""
<File id="spectrumFile" contentType="spectrum/text" type="url"></File>
<Spectrum id="spectrum1">
<SpectrumFileReference fileId="spectrumFile" />
<ChangeableLightSource id="lightSource1">
<Locale language="en">Light source with spectrum</Locale>
<SpectrumReference spectrumId="spectrum1" />

The Spectrum with id spectrum1 (line 9) is referenced once inside the subsequent element ChangeableLightSource through the element SpectrumReference. And defines the light source's spectrum in this way (line 19)