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Header Description

The Header is the first part of the GLDF product.xml file und the first child element below Root. It contains meta-information about the manufacturer, contact information and the used GLDF version. As well as license information if applicable. It does not contain any product information yet.

GLDF XML header XSD location

Mandatory Header part

Some of the metadata are mandatory for every GLDF. They are intended to make it easier for users as well as applications to identify when, by whom, and how a GLDF was created. And which version of the format was used. Therefore every Header element must begin with 5 mandatory children:

GLDF XML header mandatory childs
  • Manufacturer
    The probably most important element first: The manufacturer of the product inside the GLDF. Its typically the name of the company that produces and/or distributes the luminaire.
  • FormatVersion
    This element specifies the GLDF version in use. For versioning, we adhere to the SemVer standard. SemVer helps to determine if updates to the product.xml file are needed, particularly in cases of breaking changes. Or if a newer XSD can be referenced without risking data incompatibility.
  • CreatedWithApplication CreatedWithApplication describes which application was used to create this GLDF file. Ths could be the name of the text editor the author used. The PIM system it was exported from, a software service running in background, an online GLDF editor or a data converter perhaps. This information can be very useful in debugging scenarios when something went wrong.
  • GldfCreationTimeCode Please refer to Timecodes where GldfCreationTimeCode, and its counterpart ProductDataTimeCode, are explained in detail.
  • UniqueGldfId
    For the last but not least important element please refer to Unique Ids. Caution: Never copy UniqueGldfId between multiple GLDFs. Even not for the same product like in the UniqueProductId element. Create always a new id for each and every GLDF file you write and deploy. We strongly recommend to use UUIDS for this without exception.

Mandatory XML example

Here is an example of all mandatory child elements which each Header element in GLDF must contain. The Header itself is the first child of Root - the parent element of all content in GLDF. The example itself begins in line 5:

  • Line 5: This GLDF is from the fictive manufacturer ACME.
  • Line 6: It is based on the GLDF version 1.0-rc.3.
  • Line 7: The IDE it was created with was Visual Studio Code.
  • Line 8: The GLDF was created on October 19th 2023, at 05:30 Coordinated Universal Time (Z).
  • Line 9: The worldwide unique id for this GLDF would be 93b821be-e4a6-4758-bc5e-7d98499fe664.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi=""
<FormatVersion major="1" minor="0" pre-release="3" />
<CreatedWithApplication>Visual Studio Code</CreatedWithApplication>
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Optional Header part

The next part of the Header is not mandatory. However, we recommend to include details such as the manufacturer's image and contact information for potential customers. And especially member Ids for DIALux and RELUX as well as possibly further license information, should these be necessary for certain applications.

GLDF XML header optional childs

The highlighted child elements are described in more detail below.


Please refer to Timecodes where ProductDataTimeCode and the difference to GldfCreationTimeCode are explained.


Should the GLDF file provide multiple translations, DefaultLanguage specifies the language, that applications should use as a fallback when the user's current GUI language doesn't match any of the available translations. If DefaultLanguage is not provided, the implementation will be application-specific and preferably use English. See also Creating good GLDF files

The data type for DefaultLanguage is xs:language and has to be provided in lowercase as a 2-letter ISO 639-1 language code.


This element allows to distribute a manufacturer logo or image within the GLDF. You have to define the image as a File element first. And can then simply reference the File in the Header using the ManufacturerLogo element. Files can be either locally inside the GLDF Zip container or point to a file hosted online. See Files documentation for futher details.

An manufacturer logo hosted online could be written in GLDF like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi=""
<Manufacturer>Manufacturer XY</Manufacturer>
<FormatVersion major="1" minor="0" pre-release="3" />
<CreatedWithApplication>Visual Studio Code</CreatedWithApplication>
<ManufacturerLogo fileId="manufacturerLogo" />
<File id="manufacturerLogo" contentType="image/jpg"
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To fully utilize GLDF, you may need to add license keys, which can be provided by Relux, DIAL, or other third-party companies.

GLDF XML structure header

The content of the LicenseKey element shall be the string provided by the respective company. The application tag determines the software for which the license key is intended for.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi=""
<Manufacturer>Manufacturer XY</Manufacturer>
<FormatVersion major="1" minor="0" pre-release="3" />
<CreatedWithApplication>Visual Studio Code</CreatedWithApplication>
<LicenseKey application="RELUX">Relux Key</LicenseKey>
<LicenseKey application="DIALux">DIALux Key</LicenseKey>
<LicenseKey application="3rd party app">Other Key</LicenseKey>
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DIALux/Relux MemberId

DIAL and Relux may assign company IDs to manufacturers. These Ids will help DIALux and RELUX to associate GLDF files with a specific manufacturer and enable his membership feature set for GLDF.

See also Become a partner

<ReluxMemberId>Your Relux member id</ReluxMemberId>
<DIALuxMemberId>Your DIALux member id</DIALuxMemberId>


The Author element describes the author of the GLDF file. This could be the name of an individual who made the file, a department, a contractor or simply the company.

<Author>Glowbert Lightenstein</Author>


This section holds contact information of the manufacturer. You can add multiple contacts. Most fields are strings and you can fill them as you wish - except for EMailAddresses and Hyperlink with a specific structure. At least one email is mandatory should you decide to add the Contact element to the Header.

Contact XSD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi=""
<Manufacturer>Manufacturer XY</Manufacturer>
<FormatVersion major="1" minor="0" pre-release="3" />
<CreatedWithApplication>Visual Studio Code</CreatedWithApplication>
<Name>Example Company</Name>
<Street>Main Street</Street>
<EMail mailto="">Contact Support</EMail>
<EMail mailto="">Contact Sales</EMail>
<Hyperlink href="">Our Website</Hyperlink>
<Hyperlink countryCode="uk"
href="">Our UK Website</Hyperlink>
<Hyperlink countryCode="de"
href="">Our German Website</Hyperlink>
<GeneralDefinitions />
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