Minimal LDC
This example demonstrates very simple minimal GLDF file implementation with no 3D geometry. The only file reference is the light distribution curve.
Download the example here: Minimal LDC.gldf
- The setup of the file is very straightforward. It contains no 3D geometry and only a simple light distribution curve.
- There is only one file reference called ldtFile reference by one photometry called photometry01.
- There is one light source and one emitter. The emitter references the light source and the photometry.
- The geometry has the simplest possible structure. It only contains the reference to the light emitter (line 55).
- Because no geometry is defined, Relux and DIALux will use the LDT file to determine the geometry for their respective applications.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi=""
<Manufacturer>Philips Lighting</Manufacturer>
<FormatVersion major="1" minor="0" pre-release="3" />
<CreatedWithApplication>Visual Studio Code</CreatedWithApplication>
<File id="ldtFile" contentType="ldc/eulumdat"
type="localFileName">SP542P SRD L1480 U3 1 xLED66S_940 OC.ldt</File>
<Photometry id="photometry01">
<PhotometryFileReference fileId="ldtFile"></PhotometryFileReference>
<FixedLightSource id="lightSource01">
<Locale language="de">LED</Locale>
<Emitter id="emitter01">
<PhotometryReference photometryId="photometry01" />
<LightSourceReference fixedLightSourceId="lightSource01" />
<Locale language="de">SP542P</Locale>
<Locale language="de">Pendelleuchte SP542P LED66S/940</Locale>
<Variant id="variant1">
<Locale language="de">Variante 1</Locale>
<EmitterReference emitterId="emitter01" />