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L3D XML Reference



The Root-Element in the xml file. Must appear exactly once.

Luminaire child elements

Contains some meta-information about the model and how it has been created.

Header child elements

  • CreatedWithApplication (mandatory)
    The tool/software which was used to create this xml file. Must appear once.
  • CreationTimeCode (mandatory) The date of the creation in format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. Must appear once.
  • Name If there is a distinct name for this model, this can be mentioned here. May appear once.
  • Description Some text as model description. May appear once.
  • FormatVersion The format version consists of the following attributes:
    • major (required) = Major version >= 0
    • minor (required) = Minor version >= 0
    • pre-release (optional) = Prerelease version >= 0


References all model files which are used in this luminaire geometry.

GeometryDefinitions child elements


References a model file in the models directory.

GeometryFileDefinition attributes

  • id (mandatory) A unique id, which must start with a letter and contain only letters and digits.
  • filename (mandatory)
    The name of a file in the models directory.
  • unit (mandatory)
    The units used in the referenced model file.


Contains the fixed geometries of the luminaire.

Structure child elements

  • Geometry (mandatory)
    Must appear at least once.


A single geometry part of the luminaire.

Geometry attributes

  • partName (mandatory)
    A user defined name of the part. Must be unique throughout all Geometry, Joint and LightEmittingObject elements and must start with a letter.

Geometry child elements

  • Position (mandatory)
    Position of the geometry relative to the parent joint or the insert point of the luminaire. Must appear exactly once.
  • Rotation (mandatory)
    Rotation of the geometry around the local axes. Must appear axactly once.
  • GeometryReference (mandatory)
    A reference to the above defined GeometryFileDefinition, which defines the geometry ot this part. Must appear exactly once.
  • Joints
    Contains all joint in the current geometry part. May appear exactly once. Each joint is represented by a child Joint element.
  • LightEmittingObjects
    Contains all light emitting object of the current geometry part. Has to appear exactly once. Each light emitting object is represented by a LightEmittingObject element.
  • LightEmittingFaceAssignments Contains assignments to triangles of the referenced .obj-File which should be displayed as light emitting surfaces. The assignments can be done via the Assignment or the RangeAssignment elements.


References a geometry from the GeometryFileDefinitions section.

GeometryReference attributes


Describes a joint between two different geometry parts.

Joint attributes

  • partName (mandatory)
    A user defined name of the part. Must be unique throughout all Geometry, Joint and LightEmittingObject elements and must start with a letter.

Joint child elements

  • Position (mandatory)
    Position of the joint relative to the parent geometry part. Must appear exctly once.
  • Rotation (mandatory)
    Rotation around the local part axes. Must appear exactly once.
  • XAxis
    Describes the degrees of freedom on the x axis if set.
  • YAxis
    Describes the degrees of freedom on the y axis if set.
  • ZAxis
    Describes the degrees of freedom on the z axis if set.
  • DefaultRotation
    Values to pre set the joint angle in the target software.
  • Geometries (mandatory)
    Contains all child geometries which are attached through this joint. Must contain at least one Geometry element.


Describes a light emitting object which can be referenced in the GLDF-File.

LightEmittingObject attributes

  • partName (mandatory)
    A user defined name of the part. Must be unique throughout all Geometry, Joint and LightEmittingObject elements and must start with a letter. This name can be referenced in the GLDF-File.

LightEmittingObject child elements

  • Position (mandatory)
    Position of the light emitting object relative to the parent geometry part. Must appear exactly once.
  • Rotation (mandatory)
    Rotation of the light emitting object around the local axes.
  • One of the following shaping elements:

XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis

Enables and describes the degrees of freedom for the corresponding axis. The resulting rotation axis is affected by the Position and Rotation properties of the current part.

Axis attributes

  • Min (mandatory)
    The minimal angle for the joint in degrees.
  • Max (mandatory)
    The maximal angle for the joint in degrees.
  • Step (mandatory)
    The angle step (in degrees) in which the joint can be articulated.


Default values to pre set the joint angle values in the target software.

DefaultRotation attributes

  • x (mandatory) Default value for the angle of the x axis in degrees.
  • y (mandatory)
    Default value for the angle of the y axis in degrees.
  • z (mandatory)
    Default value for the angle of the z axis in degrees.


Position of the current part relative to the parent part or the insert point in case of a fixed root part.

Position attributes

  • x (mandatory)
    x translation in meters.
  • y (mandatory)
    y translation in meters.
  • z (mandatory)
    z translation in meters.


Rotation of the current part around the local axes. The rotation order is fixed to ZXY.

Rotation attributes

  • x (mandatory)
    Rotation around the local x axis in degrees.
  • y (mandatory)
    Rotation around the local y axis in degrees.
  • z (mandatory)
    Rotation around the local z axis in degrees.


Describes a rectangular shape.

Rectangle attributes

  • sizeX (mandatory)
    Size of the rectangle in x direction in meters.
  • sizeY (mandatory)
    Size of the rectangle in y direction in meters.


Describes a circular shape.

Circle attributes

  • diameter (mandatory)
    The diameter of the circle in meters.


Assigns a surface/triangle in the model to act as a light emitting surface.

Assignment attributes

  • faceIndex (mandatory)
    The zero based index of the surface/triangle in the model.
  • lightEmittingPartName (mandatory)
    The partName of the LightEmittingObject the surface/triangle should be related to.
  • groupIndex
    If the model contains more than one part, this attribute can be used to indicate which part the surface/triangle index belongs to. This Index is also zero based.


Assigns multiple surfaces/triangles in the model to act as light emitting surfaces. The indices of the surfaces/triangles must be successive in order to use RangeAssignment.

RangeAssignment attributes

  • faceIndexBegin (mandatory)
    The starting index which should be assigned. Must be lower than faceIndexEnd.
  • faceIndexEnd (mandatory)
    The last index which should be assigned. Must be greater than faceIndexBegin.
  • lightEmittingPartName (mandatory)
    The partName of the LightEmittingObject the surface/triangle should be related to.
  • groupIndex
    If the model contains more than one part, this attribute can be used to indicate which part the surface/triangle index belongs to. This Index is also zero based.