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Release Candidate & Tools

· 2 min read
Alex Kurpanik
Developer DIAL GmbH

Today we are pleased to publish the first release candidate of the Global Lighting Data Format version 1.0.0. The XSD can be downloaded as usual on Github, as well as in the download section.

We have also developed two new tools that will make it easier to write and read the GLDF and the new geometry format L3D.

Release candidate 1

With the publication of the first release candidate for version 1.0, we will now slow down the development and probably only change minor details. Before the format is finally made available and can be read in DIALux and RELUX in ~ early 2023.

New versioning

In the course of this publication, we have also adapted an new versioning scheme. And will now version the XSD according to SemVer. This should ensure that in future you can see directly from the version number of the GLDF whether adjustments to your own XML files are necessary. Or a new XSD can be referenced without running the risk of incompatible data.

New L3D Editor

You can find our new L3D Editor here. It is still in beta stage, so we would appreciate a lot of feedback. Have fun trying it out!


What happens next

In the coming weeks and months, we will evaluate and implement feedback into the format. Putting the finishing touches into GLDF, tools and libraries. As well as creating a full documentation on this website.
